Living with Wildlife

Greetings, Well June is here and with that, many young birds and other animals are in your yard! Before you head out to mow or weedeat, please take the time to look for young birds and animals on the ground. Box Turtles love to come to lay their eggs in nice soft mulch beds. This means they must cross your lawn. Young birds that can only fly a few feet when they first fledge, may be on the ground as well. It only takes a few minutes to take a quick look for animals so you don't mow over them. In my own yard yesterday, I found these two baby rabbits in my strawberry patch that just left their nest. I have been watching the nest for a couple weeks since I first discovered it. Mama rabbit comes around to tend to the babies around dawn and dusk every day. Now that the babies are on the move, I will be extra careful with any maintenance.
Another note, PLEASE keep cats inside. Awkward baby birds are an easy target for cats. Cats are not a natural predator on birds. In my neighborhood over the years, I have adopted 3 stray cats. I have also pickd up neighbor's cats and taken them to their door and asked the owners to keep the cats inside. You can also call Animal Control and fill out an affidavit if you have a neighbor who continues to let a cat roam at large.
Earlier this week, I had a neighbor call me over to his house because a nest fell out of a tree. I found 3 baby birds huddled on the ground and nest pieces strewn about. I asked my neighbor to get me a tissue box. I then reconstructed the nest as best I could in the box and then put the babies in the nest. I then gathered cicadas and worms and fed all three of them. That was a lot of work! I then put the box up in the tree. The following morning I watched the nest for 15 minutes and saw no activity. I came back at 3pm and watched for 20 minutes. Again, no activity. A big storm was on the way and I decided to take them to Friskee's Wildlife Sanctuary in Woodbine. Of course, I gathered more worms and cicadas to feed them, I don't think they had eaten anything all day. They were very hungry and readily took all the food I would give them.


  1. Nice move to save the baby birds! Hope to hear a follow-up at some point.


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