

I came across this Coyote over the weekend.  It may surprise some of you to know that Coyote are present all around the County.  Humans have caused the perfect scenario for the Eastward expansion of the Coyote's range.  First, we removed their main predator, the Gray Wolf.  Then we created suburbia where there is a plentiful food supply of feral and domestic cats, geese, rabbits, fawns, etc.  Coyotes actually are omnivores and will eat insects, berries and other fruits too.

If you raise chickens, you should secure them at night as these are easy pray for Coyote.  Please keep your cats indoors for their safety as well as the safety of baby birds that are everywhere now.

Finally, the rules here at my blog are changing in August.  If you subscribed to have the posts sent directly to your email box, this will be ending.  I am working on a solution where it will come to your email box, but it will come directly from me.  Stay tuned as I test this out.



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