Bald-faced Hornets

 I was reminded today of these beautiful pollinators, when a neighbor found a nest in a tree next to where she puts out the garbage each week.  Her immediate reaction was to notify the HOA and demand that it be removed.  I assured her that the insects really were not interested in her, they just wanted to maintain and protect the nest.  I suggested she just put her trash out on the other side of the tree each week until winter and she would not be near them.  The last thing in the world anyone should do is grab a broom and swat the nest out of the tree.  This would likely cause maximum stinging as the insects try to protect their nest.  So if you encounter these nests in your yard or neighborhood, try to appreciate their role in the environment as pollinators.  I see them in my vegetable garden from time to time and welcome them.  I just don't pick my vegetables when I see one in my garden.  We live in harmony, I provide plants for them to gather nectar and in turn, they pollinate my vegetables so that I can have organic vegetables for dinner each night.


  1. My church posted just this week that they had a bald-faced hornet nest. Of course, they hired "pest control." I wasn't happy.


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