Resist the Urge!


It is that time of year for those unsightly Fall Webworms.  You are probably already noticing them as you drive down the highways.  This insect especially loves Black Walnut trees.  Inside those webs are tasty caterpillars.  Especially tasty if you are a Yellow-billed Cuckoo.  This bird had a feast in the spring with all those Cicadas.  Now they will be feeding on the Fall Webworms.  Please don't spray them, they won't kill your trees.  You will notice a couple branches die back.  Remember, the birds love to eat them.  If you spray them, you could kill the birds that eat them.

Here is the Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

Finally, I am still working on the changes with the delivery system of this blog.  I will make decisions by next week as to how you will receive this.  Stay tuned!


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